Soap for a cause

On April 6, 2019 I spent the morning putting together…

shower packs for the grand opening of Carebag Inc’s mobile shower unit. That morning showed me that there were a lot of people in our own community that are in need. Something I wasn’t really aware of.

A year later, when I started making soap the memory of putting those shower packs together sparked an idea. I could help in a direct way, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to do it. As my soap business has grown, I am now able to make that connection. For every bar of soap I now sell, I will donate a bar to Carebag Inc’s Hygiene Pantry. This Hygiene Pantry goes to various locations throughout the Treasure Coast to bring supplies to families that need them. The Pantry stocks and distributes items such as lotion, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving cream, shampoo and conditioner and of course, soap.

I am happy to be able to use my soap making skills to help others in my local community.

I encourage you to go to the Carebag, Inc website and learn more about their mission “to provide access of proper hygiene to those in need, for wellness in our community”. Get involved in any way you can because as Carebag Inc. believes, proper hygiene is a right, not a privilege.